

Clients Testimonials > A.S. - "The manner in which De Broglio's team handled everything has been outstanding"

A.S. - "The manner in which De Broglio's team handled everything has been outstanding"

"Good day Michael, I trust that you are all well.

Just a short note to say thank you to you and your team for all that you have done for me, I have received my second payment from RAF, And it comes at just the right time… 

I heard that De Broglio was the best to handle these cases, I have seen this for myself…it has been a great and pleasurable experience, with little inconvenience to myself.

The manner in which De Broglio's team handled everything has been outstanding. They were always ready to answer any questions that I had, and did it with the highest professionalism that I have ever encountered.

A special THANK YOU to Nikita and Tersia, for all their hard work, time and effort that must have gone into setting up all the appointments, and understanding my case, it has been fantastic work on your part. My wife and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all this hard work.

We wish Michael, Nikita, Tersia and all the team at De Broglio, A special and heart-warming Christmas and only the best for 2018 and beyond.

Lots of love and appreciation from"


6 December 2017