

Clients Testimonials > Y.N. - “Your team has achieved a fabulous result which no one else in country can do.”

Y.N. - “Your team has achieved a fabulous result which no one else in country can do.”

“Good Day Michael De Broglio and team,

Excellent, Well done, Fabulous results achieved, thank you very much for financing my case and a heartfelt thank you to you and your team who have delivered an excellent result without any doubt. Initially you did write a letter to me stating the expected result would be a much smaller amount but now your firm has delivered 4 or 5 times more than a settlement estimate you initially gave us.

It was each of the doctor's who listened to me and understood my story, even the RAF appointed doctor's who sympathized with my mum and I and even told us they understood it was a big case. They also did sympathize and understand our problems.

Attorney Anna Kordas deserves special mention as she went out of her way to be friendly and nice to me and my mum on the 3 total court dates we saw her. While most lawyers are sullen she was a smiling, happy face who always strived to assist us and smoothen things over...”

“The candidate attorney who accompanied Anna Kordas also deserves special mention as she calmed my mum and I whilst we were so stressed up at court. She explained everything well to us and calmed us down. Real sweet person.”

…“Yes my mum and my dad and myself and my sister, yes we had suffered greatly in this car accident I did not have medical aid, I was in Pietermaritzburg unconscious, in coma and was stabilized at private hospital. And then transferred to state hospital who kept me waiting at the door. 9 days in coma in Pietermaritzburg, Edendale state hospital. Bleeds in brain, they even called my mum in JHB and said they may have to amputate my arm due to injuries. Worried and distressed my dad for the first time in over 30 years had to close his practice for the 9 days I was in coma. His knowledge as a doctor was now used to monitor that his son does not die in a state hospital. My sister Aziza took unpaid leave from the accounting firm she was working for, for the 9 days to stand by my side at Edendale hospital in Pietermaritzburg.

My relatives, uncles, cousins and family who panicked and rushed to Pietermaritzburg thinking I would pass away as I was in critical condition, unable to breathe or live without life support. My mum recalls an extremely swollen face and head. My cousins say that I am a dead man walking. Yes my dad and sister who for the full 9 days stood by my side at the state hospital, praying I do not die, or become a vegetable.  I certainly owe them greatly. They also were in severe distress and loss of earnings, in a foreign province.

Then it was transfer by ICU ambulance back to JHB general and another 8 days in hospital. Relearn to walk and as you know all that followed.

Yes so it was hard, and severe on me and my family and again I greatly appreciate and thank you and your firm for financing my case and taking my case on and helping us achieve such an astounding victory and JUSTICE over Raf. Justice has been served in the North Gauteng High Court.

And we humbly salute, bow and thank you greatly for assisting us achieve justice for all what we have suffered so severely from for the last 5 years.

Thank you greatly for bringing justice and for helping us win this case. Your team has achieved a fabulous result which no one else in country can do. I really believe so.

Thank you,"


17 August 2016