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Passenger settlement success

updated: 14-Apr-14

Fantastic settlement of R1,895,615.00 for passenger with whiplash, fractured left humerus, fractured right femur and fractured pelvis. de Broglio Inc assist a diverse and extensive range of clients who have all suffered injuries because of being involved in a motor vehicle accident in South Africa. de Broglio Inc have the experience and expertise to ensure that your Road Accident Fund claim is handled with proficiency and know-how.

In this story, the accident occurred in September 2006 when Sipho Zondi* was a passenger in a motor vehicle which was hit from behind. He was taken to hospital where he was admitted for two days and then transferred to another hospital where he was hospitalized for another month. 

Sipho wanted to make a claim against the RAF for all the suffering and loss he had experienced because of the accident. He employed de Broglio Inc to handle his claim on his behalf. de Broglio Inc pursued the claim and used their skills to ensure that ultimately, Sipho’s claim would be settled for the highest possible compensation given his specific case. They considered all aspects of his life and how they had changed as a result of the accident. 

SIpho had been employed as an assistant mechanic at the Xstrata Mine at the time of the accident. After the accident Sipho was off from work for approximately six months as he recovered from his injuries. Due to his injuries, he was no longer able to manage with the heavy duties associated with working as an assistant mechanic and had to move to being a drilling machine assistant which is not as demanding. Unfortunately, he is still battling even in his new role because even though it is not as demanding as his previous position, there is still a level of physical labour which he cannot fully cope with. 

The matter was stood down on the day of trial as the defendant’s attorneys approached de Broglio Inc with an offer of settlement. The offer was accepted and the matter was settled for R1, 895, 615.00. 

The attorney from de Broglio Inc who was representing Liam in his RAF claim was pleased with the result and believed it was a good settlement. 

*Names have been changed to protect client confidentiality. 

Case results depend upon a variety of factors unique to each case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any future case.


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