

News - Case Studies > R1,747,202.00 Awarded to Innocent Motorcyclist Passenger

R1,747,202.00 Awarded to Innocent Motorcyclist Passenger

updated: 12-Jan-16

De Broglio Attorneys Inc. recently settled a claim against the Road Accident Fund (RAF) for the impressive amount of R1,747,202.00 in a case where a female passenger on a motorcycle sustained considerable injuries due to an impact with a stationary vehicle. De Broglio Attorneys Inc. are involved in an extensive portfolio of personal injury and RAF claims and have in-depth knowledge and understanding in this field of law which makes them the ideal choice when one is seeking legal assistance in a claim against the RAF. 

In this case, Wendy Noel* was a passenger on a motorcycle where the driver of the bike was unable to stop for a stationery vehicle in front of them. The vehicle was stopped at a robot and the motorcycle collided with the vehicle. Unfortunately, Wendy was severely injured as a result of the accident, sustaining four fractures of her tibia and a compound fracture of her fibula.

Wendy had heard that de Broglio Attorneys Inc. deals with RAF claims and approached the law firm for legal advice. She was advised that she did have a valid claim against the RAF and that de Broglio Attorneys Inc. would be willing to handle her claim for her. Wendy was over joyed to know that she was going to be represented by the top experts in the field of RAF claims.

De Broglio Attorneys Inc. proceeded with her claim in a professional and efficient manner ensuring her case was reviewed and represented with the relevant vital evidence. Experts were consulted on all levels to ensure that Wendy’s claim was settled for the maximum amount possible. The law firm were responsible for handling all the litigation, appointments and correspondence for her claim and she was kept updated along the way. 

Wendy’s matter was settled in the North Gauteng High Court, for the outstanding amount of R1,747,202.00. Wendy and her legal representatives were delighted with the outcome.

The attorney handling the matter said, “This client was 55 years of age at date of accident and resigned from her employment 2 months pre-accident but we were able to settle a loss of income component to the claim due to her excellent work history prior to the accident...This was a good settlement achieved on the limited time period we had to claim a loss of income for this client.” 

De Broglio Attorneys Inc. aim to provide superior service to their clients, achieving remarkable results and keeping one step ahead of their competitors. This case is yet another testament to the law firm’s expertise in the processing of claims against the RAF. Their record is consistent in settling matters for substantial amounts thereby ensuring that their clients are correctly compensated. 

*Names have been changed to protect client confidentiality. 

Case results depend upon a variety of factors unique to each case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any future case.


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