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Who You Gonna Call?

updated: 02-Dec-14

Have you ever thought about who you would phone in times of a crisis? If you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident the people to phone are de Broglio Inc. They are the top law firm when it comes to suing the Road Accident Fund and have dealt with thousands of claims successfully. They can be contacted on 0800 ACCIDENT. Make the right call when you most need it. 

Zack Dlamini* was 7 years old when he was involved in an accident. He had been travelling as a passenger in a taxi when the tyre burst and the taxi rolled. He had cuts on his forehead and left cheek which left him with terrible facial scarring, and an injury to his pancreas which resulted in a constantly painful abdomen. 

de Broglio Inc were his attorneys in his case against the RAF. They have tremendous legal power and legal knowledge about the ins and outs of suing the RAF and were naturally the attorneys of choice in this matter where a little boy had suffered so dreadfully after being in a car accident. 

Zack and his mother were happy to have de Broglio Inc on their side. Zack had really suffered since the accident. He gets teased at school because of his scarring and facial disfigurement which has led to problems related to his self-image. His left cheek ‘scar is very ugly’ and the kids at school call him scar face.

de Broglio Inc were moved by Zack’s case and wanted to do everything possible to ensure he was compensated fully for his pain.  They employed an array of leading medico legal experts to provide their expert opinion on the matter. The Plastic Surgeon said his scar is permanent and cannot be corrected.

At the time of the accident Zack had completed Grade 1. He failed Grade 2 after the accident because he missed the entire first term of school and continues to experiences learning difficulties because of his injuries. 

 de Broglio Inc used all their knowledge and experience to build an airtight case against the RAF and proceeded to court settling the matter for a wonderful amount of R885, 943.00 in the North Gauteng High Court.

Zack’s mother helped him with his claim and said, “I’m happy with the claim. I am happy with the way they are handling it. At the end it’s finished and I am relieved about it.”

*Names have been changed to protect client confidentiality. 

Case results depend upon a variety of factors unique to each case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any future case.


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